Bid Day Roses


Celebrate Bid Day with a dozen roses of the color of her sorority.

The roses will be arranged in a glass vase with white accenting flowers, assorted greenery, & a matching sorority color ribbon.

For rose colors not available (such as silver, blue, etc.) we will use white roses and ribbon of her sorority colors.

Dimensions: 18″h x 12″w

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SKU: bid-day-roses-dozen Category:

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Choose a sorority

Alpha Chi Omega-Red, Alpha Delta Pi-White, Alpha Gamma Delta-Red, Alpha Pi-Red, Alpha Omicron Pi-Red, Chi Omega-Red, Delta Delta Delta-Gold, Delta Gamma-Cream, Delta Phi Epsilon-White, Delta Zeta-Pink, Gamma Phi Beta-Pink, Kappa Alpha Theta-Gold, Kappa Delta-White, Kappa Kappa Gamma-White, Phi Mu-Pink, Pi Beta Phi-Red, Sigma Delta Tau-Yellow, Sigma Kappa-Lavendar, Zeta Tau Alpha-White