Delivery Policy


Same Day Delivery

Order by 1pm to guarantee same day delivery.

Delivery Times

Normal delivery times are 9:30am-4:00pm Monday – Friday.

High Schools

Most high schools do not accept deliveries for students. Please send teacher’s gifts to the high school and any student orders to their residence.

PO Boxes

We are unable to deliver flowers to a P.O. Box or an A.P.O. addresses.

Incorrect Addresses

If the recipient’s address is incorrect and delivery was attempted to the address, there is a $10 address correction fee. We are not responsible for deliveries made to incorrect addresses submitted to us by the customer. If such a delivery is made, the customer assumes responsibility for the entire purchase.

Recipient may be contacted

In some cases, the florist may contact the recipient to ensure s/he will be home to accept the delivery.

Recipient refusal of delivery

We cannot cancel your order or provide a refund if the recipient refuses to accept delivery.

Card Messages

The message that you write in the Card Message field is the message that is sent with the gift. We do not include any billing information with your order.